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Aníbal Avíla Concha 

I'm hoping you all are having an excellent day. Greetings delegates, the president Anibal Avila Concha from the Committee of The International Criminal Police Organization (INTERPOL) extends his most sincere salutations to all of you. I'm honored to present you the honorable chair and my fellow partners that will be leading you through all the phases of ALEXMUN 2024: Alan Leonardo Ascencio Moctezuma will be functioning as your Moderator through all the sessions, and Renata Anaid Olmos Alba will be your Conference Officer. As a whole the members of this chair expect noneless an excellent and remarcable participations from all the delegates; the members of the chair are conscious of the level of the committee but we'll still push the limits of this committee to manage to have such amazing participations and have a very memorable UN MODEL. Again we would like to remind the delegates that we were also in your position and in this case we are willing to answer any of your questions. As a whole we would like to hope all of you have an excellent day and we are willing to see what you are all capable of.

See you soon and good luck!


Anibal Avila Concha 

President of INTERPOL

The International Criminal Police Organization

Committee Difficulty :2

President : 

Aníbal Ávila Concha 

Moderator : 

Alan Leonardo Ascencio Moctezuma 

Conference Officer : 

Renata Anaid Olmos Alba 

Topic A : Cyberterrorism as a Global Concern

Topic B : Drug Trafficking from Latin America 

Conference In Irapuato, Guanajuato


© 2024 by Alexander Bain

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