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Emilia Pérez Luna

Greetings delegates and welcome to The North Atlantic Treaty Organization.

It is an honor to welcome you to this meeting, where the voice of each one of you will be the harbinger of change and progress. Allow me to introduce to you those who will guide you throughout the debate.

First of all, I am honored to introduce our moderator Rafael Peña Cuentas, whose invaluable support will cultivate a constructive dialogue as well as maintain order during our sessions, ensuring a productive space to achieve our goals.

Next we have the privilege of counting with the support of our conference officer, Maria Gabriela Carmona Calderon, who will be in charge of coordinating and managing all the logistical details to guarantee that every minute of our conference runs smoothly.

Lastly, allow me to introduce myself: I am Emilia Pérez Luna, your president. Drawing from the experience I’ve gained from the few debates I’ve participated in, my goal will be to lead the debate towards reaching concrete solutions that will benefit the general well-being of the delegations in the committee.

We all have high expectations for each of you because we are confident you will easily exceed them. We hope you make the most of these sessions to share your ideas, listen to the perspectives of your peers and work together to find innovative and viable solutions because you are the ones with the power to transform your words into tangible changes on a global scale.

Wish you all good luck.


Emilia Pérez Luna

President of NATO

The North Atlantic Treaty Organization


Committee Difficulty: 3

President : 

Emilia Pérez Luna

Moderator : 

Rafael Peña Cuentas

Conference Officer : 

María Gabriela Carmona Calderón

Topic A : Viability of Maintaining NATO

Topic B : Nuclear Disarmament and Non-Proliferation 

Conference In Irapuato, Guanajuato


© 2024 by Alexander Bain

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